
鞭牛士 今日报道 5月8日凌晨消息,TikTok正式宣布起诉美国政府,称美国政府强制出售的决定违宪。 TikTok正在就新法律起诉美国政府,该法律将迫使这款短视频...


 “这个商品连续三个月0订单了,问题到底出现在哪里?” “在别的国家都卖的很好,为什么在这个国家市场就不行了呢?” “虽然出海后店铺生意一直稳步向上,但还...

销量飙升!TikTok Shop东南亚美妆快消选爆品趋势

美妆快消护肤品行业类目是东南亚的第二大类目,根据数据显示,目前泰国、越南跟马来西亚市场的美妆快消品增长非常强劲。 目前在泰国市场,关于粉底、口红、...


Kalodata日报 2024年5月7日 美国黑人小哥短短30天GMV突破54万美元 TikTok Shop研究显示61%用户因内容而购物 肠道清洁保健品风靡美国TikTok,销售额连...

新品卖爆TikTok,登顶亚马逊bsr榜一!TikTok Shop美国小店(4.29-5.5)新榜

近日有消息传出,TikTok 将在德国、意大利、西班牙、法国和墨西哥这 5 个国家开通 TikTok Shop。一旦这 5 大站点正式上线,届时 TikTok Shop 在全球将拥有 13...


微信昵称:Sophie-妙妙 微 信 号 :hellopeole 姓      名:妙妙 手 机 号 :15636173190 公司名称:广州至真信息科技有限公司 公司地址:广东省/广州市...

Possible TikTok ban could be ‘an extinction-level event’ for the creator economy

TikTok will be banned in the U.S. in less than a year, unless its owner, ByteDance, sells the company, or the law signed by President Biden last mo...

TikTok’s Jalapeño Dust Trick Makes Us Wish We Thought Of It First

If you're a fan of spicy food, you've probably found several ways to use the ever-popular jalapeño pepper in various dishes.

L.A. influencers, businesses live or die on TikTok’s algorithm. Now they fear for the future

Brandon Hurst has built a loyal social media following and a growing business selling plants on TikTok, where a mysterious algorithm combined with ...

Why is everyone ‘looking for a man in finance’ on TikTok? New viral sound explained

It seems everyone on TikTok is looking for the same thing — a man in finance.

Mitt Romney Reveals Twisted Reason Why Congress Moved to Ban TikTok

Utah Senator Mitt Romney revealed the motivation for the bipartisan consensus to ban TikTok, and it has little to do with protecting users’ data.

Lawmakers Admit They Want to Ban TikTok Over Pro-Palestinian Content

Now that a potential TikTok ban has been passed by Congress and signed by President Biden, some lawmakers are getting more comfortable saying what ...
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